Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Act in a Dental Emergency | Dentist Brandon & Lithia

You are interacting with the other parents, meanwhile, the kids are enjoying the bouncy castle. Suddenly, you saw your son crying so loud and blood coming out of his mouth as he hit’s his front teeth on another girl’s head. The brand new permanent teeth came out of his mouth.

While you were trying to console your bloody son, one of your friends at the party told you to put the tooth in a glass of cow’s milk. Like seriously? Cow’s Milk?
This seems like it has to be a grandmother’s tale, however, true. But the most important thing you need to do is to visit a dentist at the earliest.

Don’t Panic! Dental emergencies do happen.

As stated by Lithia Dentist, there are a number of dental emergencies a person should keep in mind and handle them in the correct manner.
You should commit to memory that pain and broken teeth can happen anytime and has the capability to bring even the most unenthusiastic people to the dentist.


Knocked-Out Tooth
When a tooth gets knocked out, pick it up from the crown, not from the root. Gently wash using water, and try to slowly push it back to the socket. If that doesn’t possible, urgently call the dentist and place the teeth in a glass of cow’s milk.
A toothache could take you to the knees. It can be caused by tooth decay, infection, tooth eruption, and trauma. A cold compress will help out to the outside cheek to relieve pain and swelling.

Filling Falling Out or Crown
If your filling falls out, wipe the crown gently and wrap it in a clean cloth. Now plan an appointment with your dentist.

How To Avoid Dental Emergencies:
  • Don’t chew hard foods like lollipops or hard fruits.
  • Always wear a mouthguard while participating in any sports activity.
  • Plan regular checkups with the Dentist.
  • Brush and floss every day.
Make an appointment with Dentist Brandon for detailed information; she’ll guide you better than us. Hit her official dental website and come in contact with her to avoid such dental emergencies and how to handle them.

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